We empower all Veterans and their families to live their best life!

Our Mission

Disabled Veterans United Foundation (DVUF) serves Veterans and their families by providing a one on one experience to ensure proper navigation through the VA claims process. We have dedicated our lives and are committed to greatly reducing suicidality amongst Veterans by enhancing the camaraderie we all had during our service and long for once again. Driven by our genuine concern, we conduct outreach events, partner with others that provide and support quality Veterans Services, and provide impenetrable support to our community of our Brothers and Sisters.

4,281 Claims Assisted


PTSD Combat


PTSD Non-Combat


PTSD Military Sexual Trauma


Homeless Veterans


Traumatic Brain Injury



Trusted Resources

We’ve compiled viable resources to suit any veteran’s needs.

  • We are here to support you or someone you know during their darkest hours. We are always available and are in your corner. With DVUF by your side, you’ll never fight alone again!

  • We are here to help you through the process of filing a claim with the Veterans Affairs (VA). We have a dedicated team that has VA expertise, knows the process and is passionate about getting your disability rating quickly at no cost.

  • DVUF is connected with other trusted and vetted non-profit organizations that can provide the services you need and deserve. Please ask how we can help.

Want to help our Veterans?

Lend your support to the men and women who’ve protected this great country through a donation or by purchasing one of our branded gear.